

Bahrain Polytechnic has been established by the Bahrain Government to address the need for a skilled Bahraini labour force, with the aim of supporting economic growth and diversification.

Bahrain Polytechnic delivers applied, professional and technical qualifications. Graduates will be work-ready; confident and competent, aware of what is expected of them in the professional world, and able to perform to their full potential.

Programmes, qualifications and courses, and the underlying methodology of how they are delivered are developed in consultation with businesses, industries, professions, international education and training institutions. This strategy, set by the Board of Trustees, will ensure that Bahrain Polytechnic graduates meet the needs of the labour market, thus supplying Bahrain’s economy with a source of highly skilled graduates.

Bahrain FinTech Bay

Bahrain FinTech Bay is the largest FinTech Hub in the Middle East. Located conveniently in the Arcapita Building, Bahrain FinTech Bay is a dedicated FinTech co-working space to position Bahrain as a regional FinTech hub. Our partners include governmental bodies, financial institutions, corporates, consultancy firms, universities, associations, media agencies, venture capital and FinTech start-ups. The objective is to bring the full spectrum of financial market participants and stakeholders together.